

When I talked at the RUBYCONFTH 2019

I was a little late to write, I talked at the RUBYCONFTH 2019 (9/6 - 9/7).


The title is "Charty - Visualize Real-world Data with Ruby".


Continuing from the RubyConf Taiwan, Speee is also speaker sponsor. Thanks for supports.

This time it was an opportunity to talk about Charty in English a month after talked at Taiwan.

Here is a quick summary of what I have experienced:


  • Introducing the basic functions of Charty and the latest additions
  • Charty now supports JRuby through development in Thailand. And I was able to introduce it
  • It was always difficult for me to explain Charty. However, this time I was able to speak with a nice feeling
  • I was also able to talk about the improvement of the internal interface and the plan for the stable version


  • Last time (RubyConf Taiwan), the standard for me was made, so I think I could do better this time
  • It was also an opportunity to learn a little bit of Thai language
  • There was a speaker dinner the day before and I had the opportunity to test my daily conversation in English
    • It made the standard for me now
    • I felt it would be a loss if I couldn't communicate in English a little more fluently


  • I went to Thailand for the first time
  • Saw the Chao Phraya River
  • RUBYCONFTH is the first Ruby Conference in Bangkok, I am the first person who checked in the reception :)

Charty with JRuby

I was able to meet again in Thailand after fulfilling my promise with Charles in Taiwan :)

The code is here:



and then, After RUBYCONTH, @k0kubun acted and benchmark-driver/benchmark_driver-output-charty: benchmark_driver plugin to render with Charty that can render with box plot was created. This is also thanks to RUBYCONFTH and k0kubun-san.



I also got a very happy word. Really thanks.

thanks everyone. I look forward to seeing you again.

After my talk, so many people told me what they thought and I enjoyed it a lot. My English is inadequate and I want to improve it because I wanted to talked more and told better. There were a lot of nice people here, so it seems more fun to talk more freely in my English.

That's why I would like to continue writing Charty code and other code and improve my English so that I can meet again. I hope I can participate in RUBYCONFTH 2020.